Why Now Is The Best Time To Consolidate Your Student Loan.

Thursday 17 March 2011 · 1 comments

If you are thinking about using loan consolidation to possibly lower your monthly student loan payments, then now is the time to start consolidating and lowering those payments. Never in recent history have the interest rates on student loan consolidations been quite as low as they are these days. What does that mean for you? Quite simply, you will be receiving the best available deals for debt consolidation when you choose to consolidate your student loans now and here. Whether you have just a small amount of student loan debt or a very large amount, consolidation can start helping you to lower your monthly payments NOW if you get started on it right away.

Start on the net.
Where is the best place to turn when looking to receive consolidation on your student loans quickly and easily? A good place to start might be the Internet. Research exactly what student loan consolidations can do for your financial status. Secondly, visit a web site where you can learn about the latest trends in debt consolidation for student loans. Additionally, you can contact their financial advisors, who will walk you through the debt consolidation process and make sure that you save as much money as possible paying back your student loans.

Now is the Time
Once you have started the process, you can sit back and know that student loan consolidation is saving you hundreds of dollars a year on repaying your student loans. While the process is not complex, it is important for you to work with a trusted name when using debt consolidation. Some companies will simply rip you off and end up costing you more money than they save. You may be at a disadvantage with your debt hanging over your head, but that does not mean that you cannot receive a great deal through consolidation! Consolidate NOW and start saving with the ultra-low consolidation interest rates out there these days. You will thank yourself in a few years.

If you have student loans, consolidating can simplify repayment and lower your monthly payments. Student Loan Consolidation can combine your existing loans and deliver great benefits.

The Federal Consolidation Loan is one of the best ways to streamline repayment. All of your federal loans can be combined into one new loan with one monthly billing payment, eliminating bills from multiple lenders. Consolidation also decreases the likelihood that you will miss a payment, helping you to maintain your good credit.

Consolidating can extend your repayment period up to 30 years based on your overall outstanding loan balances. The longer terms result in significantly lower monthly payments. Plus, there are no penalties for prepayment.

In summary, student loan consolidation allows you to:

Lower your monthly payments
Enjoy no additional fees and no credit check
Lock in a new low rate for the life of the loan
Extend your repayment period up to 30 years
Receive one convenient monthly student loan payment

Now is the Time to Consolidate Your Student Loans


Time is of the essence when it comes to college student loan consolidation. Effective July 1, 2006 the federal student loan program will experience a 1.84% interest rate increase, making it one of the largest increases in the program's history.

With the announcement of the student loan interest rate increase being less than 30 days old, students are hurrying to get the best school loan consolidation deals available. There are several companies who are in the business of consolidating student loans for recent college graduates.

Due to the student loan interest rate increase being so significant, the Department of Education is allowing student loans to be consolidated while the student is still in school. Current students will find the in-school interest rate as low as 2.5%, but is more likely to be around 4.5%. After July 1, the in-school interest rate could exceed 7%.

Although the student will be giving up their six month grace period, they will not be responsible for making payments on the consolidated school loan until after they graduate. Even though there will be no six month grace period, the student still benefits by saving hundreds and maybe even thousands of dollars in interest payments on their consolidated student loans.

Likewise, if you will be taking out a student loan you will also see an increase in student loan interest rates. After July 1, 2006 Stafford loans will increase to 6.8% and PLUS loans will go to 8.5%. The interest rates on both of these types of student loans are fixed interest rates.

These are some of the benefits of consolidating your student loans:

? Potential savings of hundreds of dollars in interest payments over the loan period by locking in a low, fixed interest rate
? The convenience of making one monthly payment to one lender
? Lower payments due to the loans being consolidated and the repayment period being extended
? Most lenders will lower your interest rate after 36 months of on-time payments
? No prepayment penalties
? Interest paid on student loans, in most cases, is tax deductible
? Overall benefit to your credit rating, due to have one loan with one lender, instead of several loans.

Even if you are not able to make the July, 1 2006 deadline, it is still to your benefit to consolidate your student loans. You will get a fixed interest rate and one payment. For me, the convenience of having only one monthly payment made college student loan consolidation worth it.

Need Student Loan Consolidation?


If you're buried under a mountain of debt because of your student loans and you spend so much on your monthly payments that it interferes with your ability to pay your other bills or have any money left for entertainment, then you should seriously think about consolidating your student loans. There are many benefits to consolidating your student loans, and it could help you to gain control of your financial situation and make life a little easier, at least in regards to your personal budget.

Payments are lower: When you consolidate your student loan payments, your monthly payment amount will be lowered, in many cases by as much as 50%. The reason for this is that since the life of the loan is longer, your payments are spread out over a longer period of time. Another reason your payments might be lower is because of the lower interest rate you will get with a larger single loan.

Payments are easier: It's much easier for you to keep track of a single loan than it is to pay on multiple loans that you have acquired over the span of your college years. Plus the payments are easier since they are less each month.

Consolidation loans are easy to apply for: There are different plans available that can be customized to your particular situation as far as payment amounts and years of the loan go. In addition, you might not even have to go thru a credit check or pay processing fees, especially if you take advantage of a government consolidation loan. They're also easy to qualify for and you can even consolidate while you're still a student and receive an additional grace period of several months.

Gives you peace of mind: After you graduate from college, you'll have plenty on your mind with trying to start a new career, so consolidating your loans and enjoying a grace period and lower payments can be a big help to you financially.

Rates are competitive: Student loan consolidation loans can be obtained from the government if you have the right type of loan to qualify for it. Getting your consolidation loan from the government means that you'll get low interest rates. Even if you take a consolidation loan from the private sector, you can still find good rates since this is a very competitive market and the banks and finance companies are trying to win over your business.

You may pay out more for your loan: One draw back to consolidating your student loans is that since you will be drawing out the length of your loan, you might also have to pay more. It'll be up to you to decide which is more important - having lower monthly payments or paying less over the life of the loan.


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